Call to Meditation Practitioners and Teachers Inspired by Buddhism

- 22 October 2024 -

We, meditation practitioners and teachers who feel deeply connected and inspired by Buddhism, can no longer remain silent about the unprecedented destruction and immense human suffering being inflicted upon the Palestinian population by the Israeli government, with the deliberate or tacit support of the West.The lack of explicit attention and response within the Buddhist community to this humanitarian crisis is alarming and stands in stark contrast to the fundamental Buddhist values we uphold. Our tradition teaches us to walk the path of compassion (karuna), actively striving to alleviate the suffering of all beings. Non-violence (ahimsa) is a core principle that calls upon us to reject and prevent all forms of violence and oppression.Moreover, the Noble Eightfold Path emphasizes the importance of right speech (samma vaca) and right action (samma kammanta). This means we must have the courage to name injustice and act against oppression without shrinking back out of fear or complacency, but with a strong back and a soft heart. By remaining silent in the face of such large-scale violence, we betray these principles and undermine our own integrity as practitioners.In the current troubling dynamics, it seems that some consciously choose neutrality. However, from a Buddhist perspective, true equanimity (upekkha) does not mean ignoring injustice or remaining passive toward the suffering of others. Embracing neutrality in times of injustice can, in fact, contribute to maintaining the status quo and be seen as tacit approval of the aggressor’s actions.It is sometimes of crucial importance to explicitly name the perpetrator of the suffering—in this case, the Israeli government—to effectively stand up against injustice. This does not mean we ignore the suffering caused by other parties. However, given the disproportionate nature of the current situation, it is necessary, from compassion (karuna) and wisdom (panna), to call upon Israel to end the serious human rights violations and the decades-long oppression of the Palestinians.It is our ethical duty to stand up against injustice and make our voices heard. By doing so, we not only become visible but also honor the Buddhist values that guide us, helping to shape a world rooted in compassion, justice, and peace.We call upon everyone to sign this declaration and actively speak out against injustice and violence.


  • Dirk Wolbers - Founder online meditation platform and initiator of this declaration.

  • Dorine Esser - Meditation, mindfulness and compassion trainer and initiator of this declaration.

  • Joyce Cordus - Meditation practitioner, meditation guide, mindfulness- and compassion trainer.

  • Eric Manigian - 34 year Zen student. Lay-ordained in the Maezumi lineage.

  • Anja Kat - meditation practitioner. Peace for all living beings.

  • Gerolf T'Hooft - Buddhist Publisher and Practitionar.

  • Erna van Lingen - Certified mindfulness trainer & senior coach.

  • Myoshin Tom Jones - Soto Zen Priest in the Suzuki Roshi Lineage.

  • Laura Hassler - Assistant to Vietnamese Buddhist Peace Delegation (Thich Nhat Hanh) during war in Vietnam, director of Musicians Without Borders.

  • Heidi Rommens - Buddhist practitioner. In Metta.

  • Erik van den Brink - Secular mindfulness and compassion teacher, inspired by Buddhism as one of many wisdom traditions.

  • Elizabeth Sawyer - Lay Entrusted, Dharma teacher, Founder of Back Porch Zendo, Suzuki-roshi lineage

  • Ereeni Roulakis - Practioner, lay ordained.

  • Manigarbha - Ordemember Triratna buddhist order.

  • Zohair Elabd - Mindfulness practitioner and teacher.

  • Joost van den Heuvel Rijnders - Vipassana (insight meditation) Retreat Teacher & co-founder 30NOW

  • Frits Koster - Mindfulness, compassion and retreat teacher.

  • Lisa Tafolla - Dharma, mindfulness and compassion practitioner and teacher. Founder of

  • Chris Fortin - Soto Zen lay priest.

  • Stephen Karakashian - Zen Buddhist practitioner for 40+ years.

  • Lester Lagda - Mindfulness and Peace Practitioner in the Plum Village Tradition.

  • Freda Tepfer - Theravada Buddhist Practitioner, Native plant gardener, Accessibility advocate.

  • Robert meador - 40 year meditation practitioner.

  • Mary Stancavage - Lay Dharma teacher, Guiding Teacher at Undefended Dharma, Meditation Coalition co-founder.

  • Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi - Buddhist scholar, translator, chair of Buddhist Global Relief.

  • Mary Thanissara weinberg - Dharma teacher & co-founder, Sacred Mountain Retreat, KZN, South Africa, Sacred Mountain Sangha, California, Chattanooga Insight, TN.

  • Terrie Martinez - Buddhist in the Philippines.

  • Linda Hess - Buddhist practitioner, lay ordained.

  • Neske Beks - Meditation practitioner, holistic healer.

  • Mariëtte Verhoef - Buddhist Vipassana meditation, Meditation teacher and mindfulness trainer.

  • Riët Aarsse - Dharma and vipassana teacher, co-founder of Amsterdam Insight Meditation.

  • Greetje Kuiken - Meditation practitioner and mindfulness trainer.

  • Doju Dinajara Freire - Buddhist Zen female monastic, meditation practioner.

  • Irène Kaigetsu Bakker - Zen master & zen priest.

  • Lidia Schinkel - Yoga and Meditation practitioner.

  • Paolo Coluzzi - I'm an Italian Buddhist close to the Theravada tradition and meditate every day. I'm the author of 'Buddhism and Pilgrimage' published by Mud Pie.

  • Giuliano Giustarini - Theravāda practitioner and Buddhist Studies scholar.

  • Bridgeen Rea-Kaya - Mindfulness Teacher and ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing.

  • Marije van Yperen - Mindfulness and compassion teacher.

  • Erica Balfour - Mindfulness facilitator and practitioner.

  • Janice L Clark - Buddhist for 35 years.

  • Barry Costello - Meditation practioner Mindfulness Facilitator.

  • Karin Kroontje - Meditation guide and practitioner.

  • Eline van de Kam - Practicing Buddhism.

  • Niamh Barrett - Meditation practitioner, mindfulness teacher.

  • Mechteld Kando Noij - Zen Monk, Buddhist Chaplain in training, Meditation Teacher.

  • Séamus McMahon - Meditation teacher and practitioner.

  • Leni Cellini - Mindfulness trainer and facilitator.

  • Susan Barrett - Dharma practitioner and Mindfulness teacher.

  • Kate Livingstone - I have taken refuge/vows with Thich Nhat Hanh the Vietnamese Buddhist teacher.

  • Labaoise Gray - Buddhist in Northern Ireland.

  • Catriona Nally - Mindfulness teacher

  • Meditation practitioner.

  • Lesley Neill - Meditation practitioner and Buddhist student in Northern Ireland.

  • Alexandra Branderhorst - Zen practioner, secular chaplain inspired by buddhism.

  • Anya Wiersma - Buddhist Chaplain in prison, Zen-meditation teacher.

  • Harini Kirinde - Theravada Buddhist and meditation practitioner.

  • Rachel Ardagh - Mindfulness practitioner and teacher.

  • Monika Winkelmann - Zen-practitioner, love-enhancer, zen peacemaker.

  • Wietske Buruma - Buddhist Meditation practisioner.

  • Ellen Eggerdink - Meditation Pactitionar, zen peacemaker lage landen.

  • Karen Virapen - Meditation practitioner and student of Buddhism in Northern Ireland.

  • Elma Murray - Mindfulness practitioner and facilitator.

  • Elise Brand - Energy worker - spiritual guidance - meditation practitioner.

  • Emily Tomalin - Meditator and Tutor.

  • Martina Finn - Order of Interbeing member, Plum Village Tradition.

  • Áine Daly - Sangha member of P Ireland.

  • Sarah Dawson - Mindfulness practitioner and facilitator, artist and Somatics teacher.

  • Jeanine Braat - Zen meditation teacher.

  • Paddy Anderson - Practitioner (Plum Village Tradition)

  • Mangalo Upāsaka - Lay Meditation and Dhamma teacher. Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho.

  • Barbara Fuller - Mindfulness & Buddhist practitioner.

  • Maighread Kennedy - Sangha member. Treetops in Belfast. NI

  • Niamh McGrady - Actor. Activist. Healer. Sound Therapist.

  • Trish MCGhee - Zen Buddhist, mindfulness practitioner. Signed in Metta.

  • Peter Terpstra - Meditation practitioner, Dharma practitioner, Zen practitioner with some years of experience in Tibetan Buddhism (Kagyu and Gelugpa). More than 18 years Zen student in the Maezumi lineage.

  • Jetty Heynekamp - Meditation practitioner, retreat facilitator, mindful movement teacher.

  • Marja Schokker - Dharmma and meditation praticioner, mindfulness and compasion trainer.

  • Catrina adams - Energy healer, meditation class practitioner, Belfast.

  • Veronica Ellis - Order of Interbeing Member Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh Tradition.

  • Janemarie Duh - Theravada Lay Buddhist; Founding Board Member, Buddhist Global Relief.

  • Andrew Seddon - Meditation practioner in the Thai Forest and Soto Zen Traditions UK.

  • Patricia Diaz - Ordained member of the Community of Interbeing Thich Nhah Hanh.

  • Miriam Majoor - Order of Interbeing Plum Village and Buddhist Chaplain- in training.

  • Dojo Zen Sanrin - Dharma zen center (Soto Zen).

  • Lucien Nenren Staarink - Assistent Teacher, White Plum Asanga, Nederland.

  • Joke Potjewijd - Meditation and mindfulness practitioner.

  • Gisela Barche - Meditation practitioner Tibetan Buddhism.

  • Kees -Sōshin - Hagenaar - Meditation practicer, Mindfulness teacher, teacher and practicer of Sociocratic Circle Method principles.

  • Dairíne Bennett - Meditation practitioner in Plum Village tradition.

  • Maria Laura De TANTI - Neo Praticante Buddismo Dzogchen.

  • JD Doyle - Buddhist Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, East Bay Meditation Center in the Therevadan Lineage.

  • Michael Madormo - Brooklyn Zen Center practitioner.

  • Maṅgala Bhikkhu - Buddhist Monastic of the Theravāda school.

  • Deliaan Vollgraff - Meditation praktiser and member of 30NOW.

  • Dan Jones (Anigho) - Meditator and human being.

  • Tim Hagyard - Meditation practitioner for 40 years. Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Cha. Walker. Author 'Mindful Steps For Palestine'.

  • Nuala Donaghy - Mindfulness and Meditation Practitioner.

  • Regan Roberts - Theravadin lay Buddhist.

  • Yasmin Ellis - Buddhist Meditation practitioner.

  • Agnes So - Dharma and Meditation practitioner, Reiki Master, Graphic Designer for the vulnerable.

  • Karen Hall - Dzogchen Buddhist, mindfulness teacher.

  • Michèle Biese - Zen meditation practitioner.

  • Anila Losang Palmo - Ordained nun, practicing Nyüng Nä.

  • Sergio Genini - Praticante Mahayana, studente, del buddhismo tibetano. Italiano.

  • Angela Hughes - Buddhist practitioner and advocate for peace.

  • Rehena Harilall - Buddhist Practitioner and founder Buddhists across Traditions for racial healing and social justice.

  • Fabrizia Baldissera - Fabrizia Baldissera.

  • Mahin kaveh - Former Getsulma Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.

  • Jahque Price-Rees - Ordained member of the Order of Interbeing, Thich Nhat Hanh, Plum Village

  • Elina Pen - Plum Village practitioner.

  • Jasmine Ghandour - Order of Interbeing ordained member- Plum Village Tradition, Insight practitioner.

  • Charlie Shuttler - Practitioner and Sangha leader in Plum Village tradition 10+ years.

  • Joe Holtaway - Member of Plum Village Tradition/ Faith in Action Coordinator at Quakers in Britain, artist- singer/songwriter.

  • Kareem ghandour - Teacher and member of sacred justice coalition.

  • Monica Max West - Plum Village practitioner for 13 years, True Aspiration of the Heart, currently on the Aspirant Path.

  • Gabriella Siccardi - Praticante da 14 anni meditazione Zen presso il Dojo Sanrin di Fossano Cuneo Piemonte Italia.

  • Vivien Eliades - Lay member of the Order of Interbeing.

  • Jerien Koopman - Eigenaar retraite centrum, meditatie beoefenaar, bewustzijn.

  • Tamsin Hong - Meditation practitioner and facilitator.

  • Mick McEvoy - Practioner in the Plum Village tradition.

  • Kay Fricke - Practitioner and Peace Warrior.

  • Nancy Meesters - Meditation practitioner & teacher and Compassion Focused Therapist.

  • Bongioanni Carmela - Praticante nella tradizione di Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • Jenny West - Mindfulness practitioner and facilitator.

  • Anna Sardar - Brooklyn Zen Center member and practitioner.

  • Hester Noort - Mindfulness/ACT/Compassie/Relatie/(Y)MHFA/Stress-Burnout.

  • Zhengren Shi - Buddhist monastic, Pureland school practitioner and teacher.

  • Sanal Goryaev - Meditation practitioner and human being.

  • Manaslu Gurung - Meditation Practitioner and Teacher @ Mindful Astoria.

  • Alfie Golden - Mindfulness meditation teacher.

  • Natalie Snooke - Meditation practitioner and teacher, Theravadan and Yogic tradition.

  • Enrica Cellipraticante - Praticante nello studio e nella pratica.

  • Tom Pughe - Meditation practitioner, Plum Village Tradition.

  • Franziska Oertle - Member of the Order of Interbeing in the Plum Village tradition of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • Jason Melia-O'Brien - Plum Village Practitioner and Post Grad Student of Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations.

  • Peter Kuhn - Order of Interbeing, Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism.

  • Jos de Vries-Spaans - Zen practisioner, Mindfulness MBSR & MBCT trainer.

  • Carmen Comandatore - Practitioner tibetan buddhist tradition.

  • Deirdre Kay - Meditation practitioner and teacher.

  • Simonetta Fracchia - Tibetan Buddhism practitioner.

  • Sister upekkha - Ajahn Chach, Ajahn Sumedho lineage

  • Björn Gieseke - Mindfulness, compassion and yoga teacher.

  • Pavlos Leventis - Meditation practitioner and yoga practitioner.

  • Herlinde Vandenberghe - Meditation practitioner, mindfulness and compassion trainer.

  • Gilla Quinn - Gilla Quinn- Practitioner in the Theravada tradition.

  • Fatima Garland - Practitioner of the Plum Village tradition.

  • Ken and Visakha Kawasaki - Directors of Buddhist Relief Mission, lay practicioners of International Buddhism.

  • Gerjan Schoemaker - Meditatie beoefenaar en meditatieleraar bij Meditatie Instituut Nederland.

  • Lathika Neeshal Langham - Buddhist meditation practitioner.

  • Nellie Tankink - Meditation practitioner The way of Vipassana & Metta.

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